Friday, November 14, 2014

SOLVED! Debian mount USB stick always as root and you cannot write it as normal user (Known Debian Jessie USB installation issue)

I just installed Debian Jessie KDE edition ISO and I got problem to save the files to USB memory stick.

Then I checked the the permissions of the USB stick and it was root:root.

I finally fixed it by commenting out following line on /etc/fstab-file:

#/dev/sdf1 /media/usb0 auto rw,user,noauto 0 0

Now it works just great at least in KDE.

The reason for the issue is that if you install Debian from a USB drive, the installer adds sdX1 to fstab and whenever you plug it in the system will mount it as root.

So you should always remember to uncomment that line from fstab after installing from USB.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Download subtitles via Dolphin

Introduction to Subliminal

Subliminal is perfect subtitle downloader that comes with an easy CLI (command-line interface) that can be integrated to the Dolphin as service menu.

Subliminal uses multiple providers like:
  •     Addic7ed
  •     OpenSubtitles
  •     Podnapisi
  •     TheSubDB
  •     TvSubtitles
Subliminal web page

Debian installation

sudo apt-get instal python-pip
sudo pip install subliminal

Download a movie

After installation you should test the Sublimal for your movies. If you don't have any movies you can download Sintel.

Sintel the movie (open source)

Download Sintel the movie
More open source movies

Test Subliminal

Use terminal and download subtitle to the movie using following command:

subliminal -l en Name_Of_The_Movie_file.mkv
It should download the subtitle to the same directory. The "-l" sets the subtitle language to be "en" (English) in the example above.

How to use Subliminal.... run this command in terminal:

subliminal --help

KDE Dolphin right click service menu for Sublimal

As root make a new file:


Content of the file:

[Desktop Entry]

[Desktop Action DownloadSub]
Name=Subliminal subtitle search
Exec=subliminal -m 0 -l en fi --addic7ed-username <username> --addic7ed-password <password> -- %U

The bold text in the example is the search command, you can edit it the way you like. Mine search command finds both English "en" and Finnish "fi" subtitles.

Register to the "addic7ed" and change the <username> and <password> placeholders if you like to use that provider or just remove the option .

When you have saved the file then check that Dolphin is closed. Then open Dolphin, go to the folder that contains some movie files, right click the movie file and select: Actions > Subliminal subtitle search

That's all! It should work now!